A leading commodity company with a strong reputation for quality and reliability

Our company’s direct link to producers is a key advantage in the commodities market. We have established strong relationships with producers of various commodities, including agriculture, metals, and energy. This direct link allows us to ensure the quality and reliability of our products and maintain competitive prices. Additionally, our hedge team is responsible for securing future contract prices through Brazil’s and international exchanges. This helps us manage price risk and ensure stable revenue streams. We employ advanced risk management techniques and leverage our expertise in commodities trading to stay ahead of market volatility.

From Energy Efficiency to Commodities: The Evolution of GSG"

Grampos was founded in Brazil in 2011, initially focusing on energy efficiency solutions, solar, LED distribution, and consumer electronics. However, after a few years, the company ventured into the commodities sector and expanded its reach globally.

Our company's strong link to South America's commodities is a key factor in our success.

We have leveraged our local knowledge and expertise to build strong relationships with suppliers and customers in the region. Additionally, we have expanded our reach globally by acquiring reserves of various commodities around the world. These reserves include oil, gas, minerals, and metals, among others. 

A global commodities company, we are always looking for opportunities to expand our reach and explore new markets.

reach is the result of our strategic expansion plan that began with doing business with China. Our early success in China gave us the confidence to expand our operations to other regions. Today, we have a strong presence in the US, Central America, Europe, and the rest of Asia.   commitment to excellence and our vision to be a leading player in the global commodities market.

Looking to the future (Soy)

The leadership of soy in Brazilian agriculture is mainly due to the economic return and versatility of the grain, which can be used by industry as a source of protein for animal husbandry, vegetable oil production or even in the production of biofuels. Soy is one of the best known seeds in the world, it is essential for the production system.

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Commodities Sugar

The world’s largest sugar consumers are typically also the world’s largest producers, with the top five producing countries accounting for 59% of world sugar production. Brazil is the largest sugar producer (21% of world production). The second and third largest sugar producers are India and China, with an approximate share of 15% and 10% respectively.

Commodities Corn

Corn is used by industry to produce various products such as vegetable oil, bran, flour, cornmeal and cream for the food industry.

As corn production in Brazil has different cultivation sites, production guarantees supply for a good part of the year. However, most of the negotiations take place in the harvest and off-season periods.

The contract was developed with the aim of being a tool for managing the risk of price fluctuations, being used by market participants, such as producers, industry, trading companies, among others.

Meat Commodities

According to the Brazilian Association of Consultancy and Assistance in Foreign Trade (ABRACOMEX), beef exports increased by 29.9%, totaling US$1.6 billion. In March 2020 alone, they totaled 147.08 thousand tons (in natura and processed product). Meanwhile, chicken meat showed a growth of 14.9% in the month of April alone, closing at 323.8 thousand tons.
If you are thinking about exporting, meats are good products to bet on, since food in general is always needed in the international market. Furthermore, the encouraging data for the first 4 months of the year represent a scenario of opportunities for new exporters of these products.


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About the company

Grampos is one of Brazil's leading exporters of commodities. Created in 2011, it has units in Brazil- and Panama. In this sense, it has a huge range of products, from fresh meat, soy, corn, coffee, beans, among other commodities exported to several countries, among others.

Prezados Clientes

Gostaríamos de informar a todos os nossos clientes que estamos cientes de atividades maliciosas envolvendo a falsificação de contratos e documentos da Grampos por pessoas não autorizadas. Diante disso, queremos reforçar a importância de manter contato somente pelos meios oficiais de comunicação da empresa, que são:

E-mail oficial: [email protected] e [email protected]
Telefone oficial:+55 (31) 98265-0291

É fundamental ressaltar que a Grampos não solicita informações confidenciais, como senhas ou instrumentos bancários, por meio de mensagens não oficiais. Portanto, pedimos a todos os clientes que estejam atentos e, caso recebam qualquer comunicação suspeita ou detectem alguma atividade não autorizada em nome da Grampos, entrem em contato imediatamente pelos canais oficiais mencionados acima.

A segurança e a confiança de nossos clientes são prioridades para nós, e estamos tomando todas as medidas necessárias para garantir a integridade de nossas operações e proteger os interesses de todos.

Agradecemos pela compreensão e colaboração de todos.

Grupo Grampos


Dear Customers

We would like to inform all of our customers that we are aware of malicious activities involving the Grampos contracts and documents falsification by unauthorized persons. In view of this, we want to reinforce the importance of keeping in touch only by the company’s official means of communication, which are:

Official email: [email protected] and [email protected]
Official phone number: (31) 98265-0291

It is essential to emphasize that Grampos does not request confidential information, such as passwords or banking instruments, through unofficial messages. Therefore, we ask all customers to be attentive and, if they receive any suspicious communication or detect any unauthorized activity on behalf of Grampos, contact us immediately through the official channels mentioned above.

The safety and trust of our customers are priorities for us, and we are taking all necessary measures to ensure the integrity of our operations and protect the interests of all.

We thank you all for your understanding and collaboration.


Grampos Group


The email Grampos.net is not available anymore. Our New e-mails are: [email protected] (comercial departament)
[email protected] (Operational Department)

Any email received from Grampos.net is not our responsibility.


R. da Paisagem, 220 – sala 11 S
Vila da Serra, Nova Lima, Minas Gerais – Brazil